As CCCPA moved into the 1980's, resignations and retirements continued with new members bringing enthusiasm, ideas and energy to the organization. Lawrence Gomez now represented Adams State, George Schilthuis having retired earlier. Fort Lewis had two new representatives in Tina Martinez and Cathy Chaffin - Cathy was to continue as the primary representative from Fort Lewis. Vikki Smith replaced John Ormanoski at the growing UCCS campus and was an active participant until leaving the profession somewhere around 1984. Vikki's replacement was Irene Martinez who came to collegiate placement from personnel work in local government.
During the early part of the 1980's, the membership roster continued to change. Bob Stokes became the Mesa College representative and Nancy Nish became placement director at Colorado College. Sandy Hegevik joined the association representing Regis College, only to move on to Denver University for a short time later as the placement officer in the Graduate School of Business. Lynn Shaman was hired to replace Hegevik, but before CCCPA members had a chance to get to know her, she moved to the Cooperative Education Program at Regis.
Trudy Nocella had worked for several years at Loretto heights, primarily in counseling with placement duties assigned. She resigned to complete work on her PhD at the University of Northern Colorado. Emilie Snyder accepted the position as placement director. By the spring of 1988, Loretto Heights College was prepared to close due to insurmountable financial problems. Regis College agreed to take over the institution and in the process cut back on many of the programs. Emilie Snyder resigned and accepted a position outside of the state.
The Association's meetings grew in size as more representatives from the member schools began attending the meetings. Certainly a change from the early 1970's when only the "placement director" from each school would attend. By 1985, Dick North was the new placement director and very "active" participant in CCPA meetings. He resigned a year later and was replaced by Jo Chytka.
With Wyoming included in the organization and a growing impatience with the cumbersome name of the Association, members concluded that a name change was appropriate. After much discussion, the Collegiate Career Services Association (CCSA) of Colorado and Wyoming became the new name of the organization. Although name simplification was not achieved, the new name did give something of a broader view of what the organization was all about.
Special projects during this time included mailings to employers like the "CAPS OFF" flier touting the benefits of hiring Colorado graduates; a January reception for employers who had recruited on Colorado campuses was held at Regis College to "CAP OFF THE NEW YEAR". It was a way of showing appreciation to employers from the Association.
By the mid 1980's, the ever popular project of printing a brochure describing all of the collegiate institutions was resurrected. This time, however, persistence won out, or, perhaps the members wore out. At any rate the publication was designed, printed and distributed to employers by all of the collegiate placement offices.
It was also around 1984 that CCSA initiated an employer reception at each of the RMCPA conferences. This annual event was made possible through generous support of the Adolph Coors Company who provided the refreshments.
CCSA's influence as a professional organization was first felt in 1983 when the Colorado Education Employment Clearinghouse (CEEC) was established. No Colorado placement officer had been consulted when this computer assisted teacher referral service was put together by the Northern Colorado BOCES. Because of the potential for conflict between the collegiate teacher placement offices and CEEC, the president of CCSA requested that officials from CEEC meet with CCSA at its meeting in Fort Collins. Although somewhat acrimonious at times, the meeting did result in agreement about the use of placement credentials files and CCSA members as appointed to the CEEC Steering Committee. Earl Young served as that representative until 1988.
Members of CCSA met periodically with the Colorado Association of School Personnel Administrators to discuss issues related to hiring of teachers. Although regularly discussed, agreement was never reached on such matters as a uniform employment application, standardized placement files, uniform placement procedures, etc.
During the academic year, 1983-84, the Association established an Employer Advisory Board so as to get feedback from employers on such topics as on-campus recruiting, improved communication between employer and placement officers, preparation of graduates for the job market, etc. Warren Spaulding, School of Mines, chaired this group. Although launched with great optimism, the advisory board met only a few times, finally disbanding because the association was uncertain as to the purpose and direction such a board should have.
By 1985, CCSA was regularly scheduling three meetings a year. The spring meeting was a two day meeting with emphasis on professional development.
The issues and problems haven't changed much over the years, but the organization has. It has evolved into a more formal structure with elected officers, financial stability through annually assessed dues, a clearly identified sense of purpose and a willingness to speak with authority for the profession it represents. For example, a uniform position statement on third party agencies was agreed to and implemented; guidelines were developed for employers regarding the retraction of job offers; a firm statement of principles regarding job acceptance ethics was published and distributed to students going through on-campus interviews. The latter was adopted by the Rocky Mountain College Placement Association (RMCPA). The Colorado Association of School Personnel Administrators solicits input from the organization when looking at issues related to teacher placement.
CCSA continues to work toward fulfilling one of its stated purposes, namely the development of programs of mutual support among the member institutions. For example, during the summer of 1986, Bob Jenkins, UNC, coordinated a mailing providing all Colorado school districts with the names and addresses of teacher candidates still seeking teaching positions. Subsequent assessment of the project, however, concluded that the value was of marginal benefit to the graduates.
The years 1985 and 1986 saw the departure of two of the association's strong leaders - Don Sutton left CSU to take a position in the private sector and Dave Berilla resigned from Western State to accept a position in career services at the University of Delaware. Nancy Pool became acting manager of the CSU Career Services office, and Western State filled Berilla's position internally with a part time appointment of Chuck Tutor.
After a year's leave to complete a doctorate, Joann Albright returned to Denver University in the fall of 1987 as director of the Counseling and Placement Centers. She was asked to develop a statement of purpose for the association and to present it at the spring meeting, 1988. The statement adopted by the organization at the meeting in keystone.
Gerald Gerber, USC, announced his retirement effective May, 1988. Julie Hughes, Auraria Higher Education Center, completed her year as president of CCSA by announcing she was going on maternity leave in January, 1988.
Jim Jones probably wouldn't recognize the old CCCPA as it has evolved today. For one thing, virtually all of the members are strong leaders. Members possess a high level of motivation and commitment to maintain a strong, viable organization - one that sets goals and accomplishes them.
By: Earl Young