CCSA is a "casual" professional association. Membership is defined by institution. Each institution may hold more than one membership, dependent on the structure for career services at the institution. For example, the university career center and the career center in the college of business, may have separate memberships. Career services staff includes full-time, part-time, and any current graduate assistant or intern staff.
Current membership fees can be found under the Membership & Registration section of the website.
Conference Agenda
The agenda is typically based on the interests of those who will be in attendance. Any member is welcome to request a particular subject or suggest a different approach for the meeting. Through the years there has been an increased interest in providing professional development at each meeting that can be provided by the members or by bringing in a professional speaker. The president sets the meeting agenda and facilitates the discussions.
Board Positions and Election Process
The CCSA board includes the president, president-elect, past-president, treasurer, treasurer-elect, and communications. Information about each position can be found in the bylaws.
The election process is held each spring with a nomination period followed by a voting process.
Conference Planning Committee
This committee consists of the board, member(s) from the host site, and any other individuals from member institutions who would like to support conference efforts. If interested in joining the Conference Planning Committee, please reach out to
Joint Projects
Joint projects, such as the joint invitation to school districts to education fairs, and employment statements have been developed in the past as a result of task teams. Liaison positions to other organizations are appointed by the president. Occasionally, a professional trainer is invited and non-members are invited to attend and pay a fee.
The one enduring result of membership in CCSA has been the relationships and collaborations that have developed. CCSA members can contact each other for advice and understanding - and it tends to be an individual process. Since some members only see each other twice a year, the meetings are ones of renewed relationships and development of new ones.