CCSA Bylaws

Article I. Organization

Section 1.1. Purpose 

The Collegiate Career Services Association of Colorado and Wyoming, a Colorado non-profit, (hereafter known as CCSA) is a professional association composed of career development professionals employed at higher education institutions in Colorado and Wyoming. It is dedicated to: 

  1. establishing and promoting a forum for sharing information and ideas; 

  2. fostering the professional development of its participants; 

  3. being proactive and responsive on issues and incidents impacting the career development profession and CCSA members and their professional staff; 

  4. self-monitoring to ensure that professional and ethical procedures are followed in the members' career services offices; 

  5. acting as a conduit for the transmittal of ideas and concerns to regional and national associations such as the Mountain Pacific Association of Colleges and Employers and the National Association of Colleges and Employers; and 

  6. acting as a coordinating body for collective career development activities and communications with students and employers.

Article II. Membership

Section 2.1. Eligibility 

Membership in CCSA is limited to any career services or career development office in a public or private higher education institution in Colorado or Wyoming that offers post-secondary degrees and which has fully paid its CCSA membership dues.

Section 2.2. Definition of Membership

Membership in CCSA is organizational (i.e., by office). Any college or university may have more than one career services office as a member of CCSA. For purposes of qualifying for membership, a career services office shall mean a departmental office at a qualifying college or university within Colorado or Wyoming that provides: 

  1. career counseling and career planning and assessment services,  

  2. job and/or internship search assistance, and/or  

  3. employer recruitment services.

Section 2.3. Definition of Approved Participants

Approved participants may participate in CCSA activities. It shall be the responsibility of each member office to maintain a current list of its approved participants and to deliver such list to CCSA's president or the president's designee upon the president's written request. An approved participant is defined as any individual career services professional who is:

  1. employed by a member office or is affiliated with that member office and employed by the member office's institution, and 

  2. engaged in career counseling, career planning and assessment services, job and/or internship search assistance, employer recruitment services, or other essential functions of that member office, and 

  3. designated in writing by the member office as an approved participant on the CCSA member list and/or during meeting registration

Section 2.4. Dues

The dues shall be $75 per year for each member office with five (5) or fewer approved participants, $150 per year for each member office with between six (6) and fifteen (15) approved participants, and $225 per year for each member office with sixteen (16) or more approved participants. 

  1. Dues include one (1) complementary registration for an approved participant to attend the fall and spring meetings. 

  2. The CCSA fiscal year is from September 1 to August 31. Membership dues and updated participant lists will be collected at the beginning of each fiscal year and payment must be received in order for an office to be considered an active member. Only active members can attend conferences and events, be on the CCSA listserv, and use other member benefits.

Article III. Board

Section 3.1. Officers

The officers of the organization are a president, president-elect, treasurer, treasurer-elect, operations manager, operations manager-elect, and past-president. 

  1. President

    1. The president provides leadership and represents CCSA. The president's responsibilities are to conduct meetings, set agendas, maintain the CCSA historical file, and provide new members with access to the information on the CCSA website and email list. The president may also delegate (a) member(s) to represent CCSA to other organizations. The president will be one of the authorized signers on the CCSA bank account along with the treasurer and act on behalf of the treasurer in the treasurer’s absence. The president shall serve a one-year term, which commences immediately after serving as president-elect and becomes past-president automatically after serving one year as president. 

  2. President-Elect

    1. The president-elect assumes all duties of the president in the president’s absence or inability to serve, acts as secretary for board meetings and conferences, and becomes president automatically after serving one year as president-elect. 

  3. Past President

    1. The immediate past-president serves in an advisory capacity to the Board, maintaining communication with the president and president-elect to ensure continuity of organizational vision. The past-president shall serve a one-year term, which commences immediately after serving as president.

  4. Treasurer

    1. The treasurer oversees all monetary transactions of CCSA including billing membership dues, submitting state and federal financial reports, furnishing receipts upon request, and maintaining an up-to-date and accurate roster of paid members and participants. Any allocation of CCSA funds exceeding $100 necessitates either the majority endorsement of the membership or the consensus between the president and the treasurer. The treasurer will keep an accurate and complete record of all financial transactions, presenting a financial report during each fall and spring business meeting, as well as a yearly financial report for spring. The treasurer serves a one year term, which commences immediately after serving as treasurer-elect. 

  5. Treasurer-Elect

    1. The treasurer-elect is trained by the treasurer and assists in all duties and responsibilities of the treasurer. The treasurer-elect will become the treasurer automatically after serving one year as treasurer-elect. 

  6. Operations Manager

    1. The operations manager is responsible for maintaining the website, career fair calendar, and other technology needs of CCSA. This position supports fall and spring conferences by overseeing registration and call for programs, as well as updating the schedule and information for conferences. The operations manager will also manage nomination and election forms and processes for each spring election cycle, including the notification of nominees and overseeing voting logistics.

  7. Operations Manager-Elect

    1. The operations manager-elect is trained by the operations manager and assists in all duties and responsibilities of the operations manager. The operations manager-elect will become the operations manager automatically after serving one year as operations manager-elect. 

Section 3.2. Terms

Board terms both commence and conclude at the end of every annual spring meeting. Board members receive 1 complimentary registration for themselves for each conference in which they are actively serving on the board.

 Section 3.3. Voting and Elections

  1. Each approved participant of a member office has one vote per issue and/or election.

  2. Elections are held at each spring meeting for all positions as defined above in positions’ election cycles. 

  3. An approved participant shall be nominated for an elected position by a confidential ballot and a confidential ballot shall be used to hold the election of officers.

Section 3.4. Vacancies

  1. Should any non-elect position resign or is in any way incapable of serving the remainder of the term, the elect position of the role will complete the term and an election will be held for a new position-elect. The new president shall determine whether such an election will be held promptly by electronic vote or at the next scheduled meeting.

  2. Should any elect position resign or is in any way incapable of serving the remainder of the term, the non-elect position of the role will be given the opportunity to extend their term and an election will be held for a new position-elect. The president shall determine whether such an election will be held promptly by electronic vote or at the next scheduled meeting.

Article IV. Conferences

Section 4.1. Schedule & Eligibility

Conferences are held twice a year, occurring in the fall and spring. Other meetings may be scheduled as needed. Conferences are open to approved participants of member offices and guests invited by CCSA or by member offices.

Section 4.2. Registration Fees

Registration fees for approved participants and guests are determined on a per-conference basis and approved by the Board.

Section 4.3. Cancellations and No-Shows

If a participant or guest is a no-show or late cancellation (defined as less than 48 hours notice or according to criteria on registration materials) to a sponsored event, then the participant shall pay the cost of the registration.

Section 4.4. Contracts

All contracts for facilities for meetings must be reviewed and approved by the president and treasurer.

Article V. Amendment of Bylaws

Section 5.1. Bylaw Revision

  1. Any proposed change in the bylaws shall be presented to the membership at least 21 calendar days prior to any scheduled CCSA meeting, at which meeting the change will be discussed and voted on as an item of business. 

  2. Votes may be cast by approved participants present at the meeting and by approved participants who do not attend the meeting and elect to vote electronically. Any proposed change in the bylaws shall be passed only by a majority vote, defined as 50% +1 of the collected votes.

Updated March 2024